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Christ The King is the grand subject; for He tells us that He is the way, the truth and the life and that no one comes to the Father but by Him, Jesus Christ (John 14:6). How can we go to the Father, God, through Jesus? It is by abiding in His word and by prayers.
We can only abide in what we know. The best way to know the Word of God, which is also Him, is by reading it, listening to it and sharing it. To be able to know God, we'll have to first know His word. This is because God is His Word and His Word is He Himself. The same is stated in the book of John 1:1-2 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and God was the Word..."
In all, Christ has died for our sins and His Blood has made us righteous, Christ has risen, and Christ will come back again in His glory just as He was seen ascending.
Jesus is Lord. Give thanks to God in Jesus name. Remain blessed. Amen.
Reverend George Michael Okafor
The Mission of Christ the King Evangelism, Int'l, Inc., is to spread the Word of God to the four corners of the world and to win souls to God's kingdom, using Jesus Christ as the key.
Christ the King Evangelism, Int'l., Inc., has a strong philosophy for continuous unadulterated Evangelism to the world. The Ministers at Christ the King are committed to spreading God's Word un-dilutedly, without fear or favor, and winning souls to the Lord.
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