Where We Started, Where We're Going, Where We're Right Now, and Where We Want to be

In the year 2001, God directed me to add the INTERNET EVANGELISTICAL MINISTRY into my Ministration at a time when I could hardly feed my family. When I accepted to go with the Vision, God opened doors of opportunities for me in a good paying job with which I started financing the beginning of the Internet Ministry. I bought a computer and didn't know that I could also have a "computer-word-dictionary" in it. As a result, I manually did all the word-checks after doing all the typing. The Ministry's name was Divinely sent to me as Christ the King Evangelism International. The Internet Ministry started with a total of 12 Prayer Partners and Well Wishers. Today, we have same in hundreds, to God's glory. The Internet Ministry's Prayer Partners and Well Wishers are world-wide.

The Ministry's first Website was a STATIC WEBSITE in which ONLY the web-builder personnel could do any type of edition on it. This wasn't economically advantageous to the Ministry as we had to pay for every edition we did.  In the year 2010, the Ministry's Website was upgraded to NON-STATIC through the advice of another company. This makes it possible for the Ministry to be able to do the editions, etc, without fee. The Static Website had ONLY written Biblical Teachings and Biblical Questions & Answers. Today, our Non-Static Website has in addition to the aforementioned, Prayer Request Page, Daily Devotional Prayers Page, Audio Preaching/Teachings Page, Ministerial Pictures and Events Page, the "Click here to Contact Us" Page, Comments Page, a Page for Books by Rev. George, and much more. We have an average of about 21 visits to our website per week. The Ministry is not limited to only Internet.

We used flayers as additional means of evangelism. In 2005, we were able to upgrade same to NEWS LETTER MAGAZINE, with a name, THE CHRISTIAN CONNECT, which we also post on our website monthly. The Biblical Flayers were limited to only 2 pages with contents limited only to Biblical Teachings. The CHRISTIAN CONNECT has 8 pages and contains unlimited Christian Blessings which include but not limited to: Biblical teachings, Questions & Answers, Upcoming Events, other Ministers Ministry's Information, Pictures, and much more. We want to reach the whole world with the Word of God. Amen.

We still have much room for Ministerial Improvement, but we cannot do it alone. We greatly need your Prayers and Financial Support. You might not be able to evangelize, but your support will reach where you couldn't. This Ministry is a good "soil" in which to sow your "seed." Thank you and God bless. Amen.


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